What ESG trends are we seeing in M&A?

In this blog we focus on the ESG trends we are seeing in the M&A and investment landscape.

We are seeing PE investors particulalry, becoming much more focused on the value of wellbeing in a transaction and increasing value through wellbeing in their portfolio companies.

It’s no secret that the world of mergers and acquisitions has been rapidly changing in recent years. Today, the mid-market investors we work with at Lightbulb are looking for much more than just a quick profit; they want to see evidenced ESG value through sustainable growth potential and a clear path to increased value creation.

Wellbeing trends and the 4 day working week uptick in profits

One trend that we’ve been noticing lately is an increased focus on wellbeing as a key driver of value in M&A and investment transactions. In particular, PE investors are starting to see the potential for increasing value by improving workplace wellbeing both in assessing multiples in transactions and increasing value in their portfolio companies.

This is being driven by a number of factors, including an increased awareness of the importance
of employee wellbeing, new technologies that make it easier to measure and track employee wellbeing, and a growing body of evidence showing that flexibility pays returns.

One part of this is the overwhelming results from the recent UK 4 day working-week trial which showed increased profits, reduced absenteeism and increased engagement for its workers.

A new campaign for increasing value for mid-life working women

The launch of the 1 MILLION Menopause Voices Campaign – how can you help?

This year’s International Women’s Day theme was equity. How can the world work to improve equity for women? So, it seemed like the perfect day to launch our #1MillionMenopauseVoices campaign. This is being run by our sister company The Menopause Maze.

This campaign is asking 1 million working women in menopause to tell us about the information they need to improve their wellbeing, keep well, and keep working. The campaign represents the 1 million women forced out of the UK workforce because of menopause symptoms and lack of information to keep well and working. That’s not equity!

How can you help?

The best part is that it is easy for you to participate. We’ve got a 90 second online asking working women in menopause to submit their feedback on what information they need to manage menopause symptoms, keep well and keep working.

Head over to the campaign website1-million-menopause-voices-campaign and take the 90 second survey.

Or you can use the QR code which you can share with women in your companies, networks, with friends and family too.

Spread the word: Talk to your friends, family, and colleagues about the campaign and encourage them to get involved. And don’t forget to tag and use the hashtag #1MillionMenopauseVoices.

Follow us on social media: Stay up-to- date with the latest news and updates on the campaign by following us on and sharing our posts on social media.

Attend events: We will be organizing events throughout the campaign, and we would love to see you there! Keep an eye on The Menopause Maze website and social media for details.

We’ve got to get 1 million women’s voices heard to I’ll need your help! And of course, we’ll keep you posted on progress in the months ahead.

Want to INCREASE YOUR esg value?


1million women forced to leave the workplace because of menopause symptoms - Here’s Why.