Leaders how can you bring your team into 2021 surviving and thriving?


As a leader, what can you do to make improvements for yourself that will help your business thrive in 2021? From improving communications to building a stronger company culture, see some options and explore new routes to accelerate and re-tool your talent.

1.Get clear on capabilities and strip out your talent frameworks

This is essential. The capabilities that your new and existing managers and leaders require has radically shifted, their capabilities need to expand, be developed or be replaced with new skills, new talents and just as importantly, new mindsets. Generally organisations focus on doing things but completely over look the mindset requirements to power and engage in a post pandemic world. Your teams may think that they know what is required of them, but do they? And more importantly do you?

Recently, I was asked to review a talent framework with over 100 previous capability criteria across each and every level of leadership, from first line supervision to CX and NED level. Yes that’s correct, over 100 you didn’t read it wrong!

That’s just not going to fly in a post-pandemic world. Focus on what capabilities you need, make sure it is clearly defined, then strip it out, strip it back, keep it simple and straight line and align your development activities alongside it.

Check out how we design contemporary and commercial capability frameworks that deliver rapid results.

2.Inclusive leadership will take centre stage

2020 saw seismic shifts in society and organisations must put D&I central to their strategic priorities including it in every strand and strata of decision making. Building inclusive leaders, with the capabilities to understand what inclusive leadership is, building reward structures that recognise and celebrate inclusive change, and driving your internal and external recruiters to provide pools of diverse candidates will be central to every company’s value proposition.

Those that don’t, do so at their own peril, and may well find that 2021 is the year that they and their businesses become irrelevant.

See how we are helping some of the best global companies to deliver diverse and inclusive leaders.

3.Impact and ESG

In our rapidly changing Covid + world, demands are being driven from consumers, colleagues, and communities to build businesses to deliver products and services that serve, do more good and deliver lasting impact in the world. 

This will be at the top of investors requirements, which will also include cultural and impact valuations on the leadership and management teams’ capabilities to produce triple bottom line returns in people, profits and impact performance on society.

Want to know how to increase the cultural valuation of your company?

4.Change your feedback

With remote working now becoming the norm, the role of feedback becomes critical, for leaders delivering feedback but also how they receive it, listen and act upon it however hard or painful.

87% of leaders we spoke to this year, said that if they could improve internal feedback across their organisations it would double bottom line returns.

Never forgetting, my research on ‘Why Feedback Holds Women Back’, which shows categorically that women receive biased performance feedback, and has wide ranging detrimental effects on their opportunities for equal pay, promotion, equal access to leadership positions and potential poverty in retirement.

With Covid putting women’s economic advancement back by an estimate of 30 years at the least, what will you be doing to ensure that your female talent flourishes and isn’t penalised in 2021 and beyond?

To bring out the best in your people, we show you a better way of communication. We empower your people by shifting the performance conversations to development dialogue rather than constructive criticism, enabling every employee at every level to shine through our FeedbackFirst methodology™.

Find out more our award winning FeedbackFirst ™ method.

And finally….

2021 will be all about change. Change shouldn’t be frightening for leaders. Not being at the forefront of change, well that’s frightening!


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Fiona McKay

Is the Managing Director and Head of Value Creation at Lightbulb. You can contact her at fmckay@lightbulbleaders.com


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